For me, mediation is the path to peace. It has the power to show us how we can come together in conflict and find solutions. And it opens up wonderful opportunities for a peaceful and mindful coexistence.

You finally want to unravel the knot that has become entrenched in your family, in your working environment or at your school? As a mediator, I guide and accompany all parties involved in a conflict neutrally and all-partially through the mediation process and create a space in which they can find a solution together – self-determined, on their own responsibility and at eye level. Mediation is a sensible and helpful way to resolve the dispute, even if the parties to the conflict still want or need to deal with each other in the future.
Mediation has one main advantage over court proceedings: there is no losing side.
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Former Federal Minister of Justice

You want to resolve a conflict but don't know how? Then get in touch with me. I will be happy to show you what mediation can do for you in a non-binding initial consultation.
Let’s get in touch: +49 163 6317542 | hallo@franziska-haas.de