Mediation offers a clearly structured, solution-orientated process for resolving conflicts that not only highlights the interests of those involved in the conflict, but also the needs and feelings, stories and concerns behind them. If these remain unseen and unheard, the conflict cannot come to rest. The self-responsibility of those involved makes a significant contribution to the success of the mediation process. Led and supported by a mediator, they – and only they – determine what the joint path can look like in the future. Mediation is not about guilt and truth, but about responsibility and perception. It is not about compromise, but about consensus, about jointly found solutions. The sustainability of this self-responsibility is clearly noticeable and leaves no losing sides, only winners.
Mediation is also a sensible and helpful approach to resolving the dispute if the parties involved in the conflict still want or need to deal with each other in the future.
As a mediator, I guide and accompany all parties involved in a conflict neutrally and all-partially through the mediation process and create a space in which they can find a solution together – self-determined, on their own responsibility and at eye level.
When different opinions, interests, wishes, needs and feelings collide in conflicts, our relationship construct begins to falter. Insecurity and fear take over. In the end, we devalue each other, fear losing face and the danger of losing our sense of stability. A lot of energy is contained in these encounters, which in the worst case can be discharged against each other or against ourselves. My job is to support people, especially those in conflict, in recognizing this energy, transforming it and using it constructively.
You want to resolve a conflict but don't know how? Then get in touch with me. I will be happy to show you what mediation can do for you in a non-binding initial consultation.
Let’s get in touch: +49 163 6317542 |